Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tiniest Kasuti Work I Have Seen

Uploading some pics of the Kasuti samples that Vrinda aunty has treasured, in fact rescued.

Gavanti Designs
Click to Enlarge
This is the basic work done in about a square feet of cloth.

This has a border too
Click to Enlarge

To give an idea of how detailed the border is, check the close up
Click to Enlarge

And here's a close up of the basic motif

Please Note - Each stitch is about 1mm apart and the back part of the work looks exactly like the front... we wondered where they hid the start & end thread.

A little bit of background on this -
Vrinda aunty visited one of her acquaintances, who was probably the principal/teacher of Women's Training College. She had this sampler at her place and had probably been worked by some students. Aunty treasured it as that's the best and tiniest piece of Kasuti we've ever seen.